Sunday, May 1, 2011

Comfort: to being strangers again.

A friend of mine once told me, “you’ll know that it’s true when the silence is comfortable.”

            It’s true that one can never be honest with a partner if he/she is not comfortable and honesty begets trust, trust begets healthy and growing relationship. So I believe that COMFORT is needed to be able to carry on a relationship. Simple yet indispensable.

            I’ve been to a couple of long-term relationships, met their friends and families, knew every detail of their daily lives, got used to their favorite basketball teams, got so familiar with their laughs, knew their dreams then eventually, got tired of the routine feeling that I don’t deserve to be treated that way. But in reality, I just didn’t see it coming because bit by bit, we both neglected each other because we were too comfortable and we didn’t know how to use the comfort to our advantage.
            I believe in fate and love and as the song goes, they find a way to bring together two individuals who are meant to be together. But I do believe that these two people need to try hard to show how important each other are for them not to leave the “moment” just as a fairy tale but to actually live it. Because we are writing our own story, if we want a beautiful ending, then we have to be able to determine what composes a happy ending and write it down.

This is what scares me. This video is so factual that I couldn’t even think of “me” going trough all the stages over again. Not because I’m coward but because I found my fairy tale and I want to live with it. Not everyone is as lucky as me but just like anyone else, it’s hard to spot if the comfort is hampering our growth already. 

It’s hard to find someone to be in a relationship with, but it’s harder to find someone that will keep on trying to keep up the relationship with you. You must be very special to that person to consistently hold on through ups and downs. I think nothing and no one's too tacky or too blunt as long as you are sincere and you consider each other's feelings. There'll always be the inevitable, you just have to try. Hoping for the best for everyone who's trying!

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